Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Cheap Luke Skywalker Halloween Costume

Shop for Cheap Luke Skywalker Halloween Costume by clicking here

In Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, set three years later, Luke is a commander in the Rebel Alliance. While on a mission on the ice planet Hoth, he is nearly killed by a Wampa; he escapes with the help of the Force and his lightsaber. In the frozen wasteland, he sees the spirit of Obi-Wan, who tells him to travel to the planet Dagobah and complete his training under Jedi Master Yoda.

When the Empire discovers the Rebel base on Hoth, Luke leads a snowspeeder squadron to cover the evacuation. Escaping Hoth in his X-wing, he travels to Dagobah, instead of regrouping with the Alliance. There, he meets Yoda and undergoes rigorous Jedi training, increasing his power in the Force.

His training is interrupted by a vision of his friends in pain. Against Obi-Wan and Yoda's advice, he travels to Cloud City to save them, only to be lured into a lightsaber duel with Darth Vader. As his mentors warned, Luke proves to be no match for the powerful and experienced Vader. After losing his right hand, he learns the truth: Darth Vader is his father in disguise.

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